Michaela MEYER 04.07.1998 United States |
Personal BestsEvent | Result | Venue | Date |
400m | 56.50 | Cougar Athletic Stadium, Azusa, CA (USA) | 13.04.2024 | 500m ind. | 1:11.96 | Ocean Breeze Athl. Complex, New York, NY (USA) | 07.02.2020 | 800m | 1:58.55 | Hayward Field, Eugene, OR (USA) | 27.06.2021 | 800m ind. | 2:02.04 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 31.01.2025 | 1000m ind. | 2:55.33 | Armory Track&Field Center, New York, NY (USA) | 07.12.2019 | 1500m | 4:04.02 | Trabuco Hills HS, Mission Viejo, CA (USA) | 18.07.2021 | 1500m ind. | 4:10.97 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 11.02.2022 | Mile | 4:29.16 | Cardinal Gibbons High School, Raleigh, NC (USA) | 06.08.2021 | Mile ind. | 4:29.64 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 11.02.2022 | 3000m ind. | 9:22.82 | Liberty Indoor Complex, Lynchburg, VA (USA) | 03.12.2021 | 4x400m | 3:30.44 | University of North Florda Jax Track at Hodges Stadium, Jacksonville, FL (USA) | 29.05.2021 | 4x400m ind. | 3:45.81 | Ocean Breeze Athl. Complex, New York, NY (USA) | 07.02.2020 | 4x800m | 8:55.47 | Princeton, NJ (USA) | 12.05.2017 | 4x800m ind. | 8:45.08 | Boston, MA (USA) | 03.03.2019 | Distance Medley ind. | 11:30.29 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 15.02.2020 |
| Season's BestsEvent | Result | Venue | Date | T-L |
800m ind. | 2:02.04 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 31.01.2025 | |
World RankingsEvent | Place | Score |
Women's 800m | 108. | 1167 | Women's Overall Ranking | 1382. | 1167 |
| Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2014 | 59.08 | Middletown, CT (USA) | 09.06.2014 | 2017 | 57.25 | Newark, DE (USA) | 22.04.2017 | 2018 | 56.77 | Towson, MD (USA) | 14.04.2018 | 2024 | 56.50 | Cougar Athletic Stadium, Azusa, CA (USA) | 13.04.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2015 | 2:13.39 | New Britain, CT (USA) | 03.06.2015 | 2017 | 2:14.06 | Newark, DE (USA) | 05.05.2017 | 2018 | 2:09.20 | Williamsburg, VA (USA) | 04.05.2018 | 2019 | 2:07.02 | Raleigh, NC (USA) | 30.03.2019 | 2021 | 1:58.55 | Hayward Field, Eugene, OR (USA) | 27.06.2021 | 2022 | 2:01.31 | Hayward Field, Eugene, OR (USA) | 28.05.2022 | 2023 | 2:02.91 | Mary Peters Track, Belfast (GBR) | 19.07.2023 | 2024 | 2:01.61 | Billy J. Murphy Track and Field Complex, Memphis, TN (USA) | 12.07.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2019 | 4:29.55 | Princeton, NJ (USA) | 20.04.2019 | 2021 | 4:04.02 | Trabuco Hills HS, Mission Viejo, CA (USA) | 18.07.2021 | 2022 | 4:08.88 | Griswold Stadium, Portland, OR (USA) | 11.06.2022 | 2023 | 4:13.11 | Birmingham University Athletics Track, Birmingham (GBR) | 29.07.2023 | 2024 | 4:14.87 | Hayward Field, Eugene, OR (USA) | 03.05.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2021 | 4:29.16 | Cardinal Gibbons High School, Raleigh, NC (USA) | 06.08.2021 |
No progression. Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2018 | 3:46.20 | Williamsburg, VA (USA) | 05.05.2018 | 2019 | 3:43.29 | Elon, NC (USA) | 04.05.2019 | 2021 | 3:30.44 | University of North Florda Jax Track at Hodges Stadium, Jacksonville, FL (USA) | 29.05.2021 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2017 | 8:55.47 | Princeton, NJ (USA) | 12.05.2017 | 2019 | 9:10.24 | Raleigh, NC (USA) | 30.03.2019 |
Results in principal competitions in 2025No principal results this year. |